Baby at Traffic Accident Sent to Foster Care

FOUNTAIN — When a child protection caseworker told Crystal Bryant they were taking her 5-calendar month-sometime boy, the young mother dropped to her knees on the hospital floor.

"Take me," she pleaded. "For my son to stay home, accept me, I don't care."

She begged God and anyone listening, but "they still took him," Bryant recalled, shaking her head and wiping tears as she recounted the worst moment of her life. Child welfare and police officers made Bryant and her hubby, Jarvis Bryant, go out the Colorado Springs infirmary room before a foster mother arrived to have their baby abroad.

Their lives were shattered.

The Bryants, who moved to Fountain when Jarvis was assigned to Fort Carson, were charged with felony child abuse, accused of breaking multiple bones in their merely child's body. Crystal's recently earned nursing document was revoked. Jarvis, a U.S. Regular army specialist, lost his security clearance, stripping him of his task in shipping and vehicle supply and relegating him to paper shuffling.

Worst of all, baby Jace was gone. Their flat seemed empty. They felt powerless, more than lost — "like death," Crystal said.

The Bryants' son was one of iv,772 Colorado children removed from their homes past child welfare regime and living in foster care last year. But their story isn't the typical tale of a child rescued from abuse or neglect. It's the reverse. The Bryants' nightmare lasted 164 days, and its end arrived more similar a ripped-from-the-headlines tv set drama than real life.

Crystal and Jarvis Bryant talk Fri, Jan 24, 2020, about the 164 days that their son, Jace Bryant, now xx months old, was taken away from them. They were accused of child abuse then exonerated last fall. Jace is dorsum with them now in their Fountain, Colorado, home. (Marking Reis, Special to The Colorado Sun)

Baby Jace had been ill his whole life. He had severe acid reflux and a swallowing condition called dysphagia that caused milk to go downwards his windpipe instead of his esophagus, making him choke.

When he was iii weeks old, he spent 31 days in the hospital and had a feeding tube inserted into his nose and down to his tummy to aid him get enough nutrients to survive. At almost 4 months sometime, Jace had surgery on his esophagus and to identify a gastrostomy tube in his abdomen, and then his parents could send formula direct to his stomach.

Then, merely before Thanksgiving 2018, Jace was diagnosed with a viral infection that was causing fever and diarrhea. While Crystal showered and did her pilus upstairs in their flat, Jarvis was giving Jace his second bathroom of the mean solar day. Jarvis laid the baby stomach-downward along his forearm equally he aptitude over the bathtub, pouring soapy water over Jace'south back. The baby slipped sideways off Jarvis' arm, his knee joint hitting the bottom of the tub.

Jace cried, and Jarvis picked him up to console him, he said. Jarvis said he was leaning into the tub when the baby roughshod into a small corporeality of water, "enough to brand a toy float." Jarvis didn't mention it to his wife.

Jace Bryant, now 20 months former, lived with a foster family from age 5 months to age 10 months, and then lived with family friends of the Bryants for two more months earlier he was allowed to render dwelling. (Marking Reis, Special to The Colorado Sunday)

Later that Sunday afternoon, though, Crystal noticed Jace was favoring his leg, that he held it up as he sat in his vibrating saucer-chair and flinched when she picked him up. She was bringing him dorsum to the infirmary anyway because the fever and diarrhea had not subsided, and while she was there Crystal asked the physician if they could 10-ray Jace's leg.

The baby had a fractured femur.

Crystal called Jarvis at habitation, and he told her and so how Jace had slipped from his arm and hit his knee. As Jarvis drove to the hospital, Crystal told the physician that her hubby had dropped their son in the bathtub.

Instantly, they were suspects.

Medical staff at Memorial Hospital Cardinal ordered a full-body workup. What they found was devastating: Not just did Jace have a cleaved leg, he had 10 fractured ribs and ii fractured wrists. The leg fracture was fresh, but the rest were in various stages of healing.

The police force came, interviewing Crystal, 24, and Jarvis, 27, in carve up rooms. A caseworker arrived from the El Paso County child welfare partition, and a pediatrician with training in child corruption examined Jace. A detective did "voice stress assay tests" by recording and analyzing their voices, deciding both parents were "deceptive" — Jarvis nearly knowing who caused Jace'southward injuries and Crystal about whether she hurt her son.

Jace'south medical records every bit well as the child abuse charging documents, both reviewed past The Colorado Sun, do non mention unexplained bruises or burns — red flags of child abuse. They do annotation marks on his chest, dorsum and cheek, some of them "crescent-shaped" scratches. The Bryants told authorities one marking was a scar from his g-tube surgery and the others were likely from his parents or medical staff accidentally scratching him with fingernails or a band while picking him up.

Because of Jace's feeding problems, nurses, physical therapists and occupational therapists — all required by law to study any suspicion of child corruption — had been to the Bryants' home twice each week since he was ii months old. They had stripped Jace naked weekly and weighed him on a portable calibration placed on the tabular array. Not 1 made any report of corruption or neglect.

The baby had been to emergency rooms multiple times, often to replace the tube down his throat when his artillery flailed and pulled out the tube, common for babies. Each time, medical staff took an X-ray to make sure it was in the correct place. Equally a first-time mom and cocky-described "hovering parent," Crystal took Jace to the pediatrician at the first hint of affliction.

Still, iii days later on she brought Jace to the hospital and asked for the leg X-ray, El Paso County regime told the Bryants he wasn't going habitation with them — their home, authorities said, wasn't safety for their son.

The Bryants returned to their apartment without their baby and gathered up everything they thought he might need at his foster dwelling — toys, dress, his medicines for acrid reflux, formula, shampoo, laundry detergent, Vaseline. They had no family unit nearby; Crystal is from Chicago, and Jarvis is from Louisiana.

Crystal Bryant wipes away tears equally she talks about losing her son to foster care for seven months. The Bryants were accused of fracturing multiple bones in the boy's trunk, merely the charges were afterwards dismissed. (Marker Reis, Special to The Colorado Sun)

The following morning, a distraught Crystal dialed the child welfare sectionalisation. 5 times. "I am concerned. I am pissed off. I'one thousand angry, sad, frustrated," she said.

"Information technology's Thanksgiving. Can I see my son?"

The answer was no. Crystal sabbatum on the couch and cried.

Losing their son sent Crystal into heavy depression, so dark that she once opened the passenger door in their motorcar as Jarvis drove eighty mph down the highway away from a supervised visit with Jace. "I but wanted to jump out," she said. "I couldn't believe I was nonetheless living on this Earth, without my son. It was hell on Earth.

"There was no living for me."

Crystal stopped eating and drinking and grew and so sick that Jarvis drove her to Evans Hospital on Fort Carson in early January, about a month and a half after Jace was taken abroad. But when Jarvis handed over his military ID at the checkpoint, the guard hesitated.

"Do you know at that place is a warrant out for your arrest?" the guard asked, Jarvis recalled. "Did you not pay a ticket or something?"

In that location was a warrant for Crystal, too. Felony child corruption charges, in addition to the civil example to determine whether to terminate their parental rights, had been filed against them. The form 3 felony is punishable past up to sixteen years in prison house.

The Bryants, neither of whom have any criminal history, were handcuffed and taken in split up military machine constabulary cars and held on post for an 60 minutes and a half, when city law officers transported them to the El Paso Canton Jail. "Mug shots. The whole orange jumpsuit. Everything," Jarvis said. They spent the night and were able to post bond the next morning.

While Crystal slipped further into depression, Jarvis was the fire.

He contacted the ACLU and the NAACP to see if they could help with legal defense, though Jarvis and Crystal were each assigned 2 public attorneys for the civil and criminal cases. He spent hours reading medical records and court cases. "This is literally our lives, our son's life, our livelihood, our well-beingness, our mental land, pretty much everything that nosotros could e'er call back of is at stake," he said. "I'm not going to sit here and let this happen. Information technology'south one thing if you know you did something wrong. But if you know you didn't practice annihilation wrong, why are you going to become down innocent?"

Jarvis went to every hospital and physician'due south office that had seen Jace, outset with his May 22, 2018, birth at Evans Infirmary. He collected 1,200 pages of medical records, along with discs of all of Jace'due south X-rays, including those taken before and after his surgery and tube placements.

They hardly slept. They fought, wondering if losing Jace would pause them. They went to supervised visits at the Family Visitation Center, and signed upward for individual therapy and parenting classes, trying to anticipate what the county would enquire of them and speed up the process to getting their son back.

Crystal Bryant looks through paperwork detailing the allegations of child abuse against her and her hubby, Jarvis Bryant, a specialist in the U.Southward. Army at Fort Carson. The charges were dismissed after a 7-month ordeal. The couple met in basic grooming in Missouri. (Mark Reis, Special to The Colorado Sun)

1 sleepless night in March, Jarvis stumbled on a YouTube video of TV journalist Katie Couric interviewing two families in 2013 who were wrongly accused of kid corruption after their children were constitute with broken basic. A Texas father was arrested after his 1-month-sometime daughter was found with nine os fractures. Some other father was defendant of abusing his twin infants later on they both had leg fractures. Both were somewhen cleared considering the babies all had a brittle bone disorder.

The video led Jarvis to a website called Fractured Families, a network for parents of children with unexplained fractures. And he fired off multiple emails — titled "Can you please assistance my family unit?"

Through the network, Jarvis found contact information for more than a dozen physicians and radiologists who were experts in bone fractures and emailed all of them. "We need help from a medical professional urgently to effort and fight this matter properly and become our babe back and prove our innocence," he wrote. "It just doesn't make any sense how a baby similar ours has such a lengthy medical history and no ane has done their due diligence to properly rule out everything before they automatically say child corruption. Please aid united states."

Ii doctors agreed to assistance, for gratis.

Dr. Susan Gootnick, a radiologist in California who began studying alleged child abuse cases most vii years agone, looked at Jace'due south X-rays and noticed immediately that his bones appeared "washed out" because they weren't getting plenty calcium. It fabricated sense, given Jace had not been able to consume by mouth for the first several months of his life. His scans were consistent with metabolic os disease and rickets, she wrote in a study that Jarvis gave to his attorney.

"Plain, the baby wasn't getting the advisable nutrients that he needed to grow," Gootnick said in an interview with The Dominicus. "These bones break nether stresses that a normal os would not break under."

What's more, Gootnick said, the age of the fractures made it likely that Jace'south ribs and wrists were broken by medical staff during one of the many times they reinserted his nasal tube — unsedated. An X-ray taken in September shows the rib fractures and the tube that went from Jace's nose to his stomach.

"It'southward unpleasant, as you can imagine, sticking a tube downwardly their nose," Gootnick said. "You have to increase the strength of how you hold the baby notwithstanding."

On one of the X-rays of Jace's wrist, Gootnick noted, an adult thumb bone is visible — the technician belongings down his arm for the browse.

Some other dr., Dr. John Galaznik, a retired pediatrician in Alabama who has testified for the defense in numerous child abuse trials, zeroed in on two acid-reflux medications Jace had taken since he was iii weeks old — Omeprazole and Ranitidine. They cut downwards on stomach acid, which is essential for absorbing calcium. Galaznik said it was probable that Jace's muscles so badly needed calcium that they were leaching it from his bones.

He cited the babe's elevated levels of parathyroid hormone, which the brain secretes at a higher level when the body'due south calcium requirement is not met, Galaznik said.

The doctor also noted that the fractured leg bone was consistent with a "compressing strength" such as the bathtub fall Jarvis described. The fracture suggested no "yanking, pulling, twisting forces as one might predict an abusing caregiver to inflict," he wrote.

Galaznik, who for 37 years was a physician in the University of Alabama arrangement, said in an interview that the study of bone fractures in babies has "evolved rapidly over the last 10 years," so much so that emergency department physicians who were trained 10 or 20 years ago are ofttimes non upwards to date.

In 2009, the American University of Pediatrics doubled the recommended vitamin D intake for babies, noting that vitamin D deficiency could lead to decreased calcium absorption and bone fractures. And in 2014, the academy'south Committee of Child Abuse and Neglect published a paper calling attention to the difference between fractures acquired by corruption and those resulting from rickets or breakable bone illness, chosen osteogenesis imperfecta.

Jarvis Bryant, 27, holds his son, Jace, who was placed in foster care in 2018 after the Bryants were accused of child abuse. The charges were eventually dropped. (Mark Reis, Special to The Colorado Sun)

Galaznik is contacted by dozens of families each yr and takes on some of the cases pro bono. He and Gootnick said they take noticed a societal bias against parents who are depression-income and without higher education. "If you come in and you are well-dressed and well-known and have no background problems, it may give the accusers more pause," Galaznik said. "Just the allegation can destroy a career."

Gootnick said the cases she takes on lack sufficient evidence. "In that location should be more than investigation of what'south going on with these kids in terms of their bone wellness," she said. "I feel a moral obligation to assist these people. If I can aid them, I have to aid them."

Jarvis printed out the doctors' reports and gave them to his attorneys. And they waited.

Jace lived with the same foster family unit for 164 days. The Bryants counted all of them.

The baby, who was in the foster home from age 5 months to x months, seemed to know his parents less and less each calendar week when they saw him for their two-hour supervised visit. "Ane more of those and I feel like my son wouldn't even remember me," Crystal said.

They tried to move Crystal'south sis from Chicago and then she could become Jace's foster mom, an arrangement the child welfare system calls a "kinship" placement. When she couldn't come, a couple Jarvis met at work offered to assist. They became Jace'south foster placement, and the Bryants were allowed to move into their house, under the condition that they were never lonely with their son.

Crystal Bryant shows the feeding port for her son, Jace Bryant, who was placed in foster care after doctors constitute he had xiii bone fractures. It was later determined the fractures were caused by neonatal rickets. (Mark Reis, Special to The Colorado Lord's day)

The organization lasted near two months, until the day concluding July when Jarvis and Crystal were to appear in civil court for their hearing on whether they could keep their son. Instead, the El Paso County child welfare division — which in the meantime had deposed the segmentation's child abuse medico in the wake of the pro-bono expert reports — recommended they take their son habitation.

The Bryants, elated and relieved, took Jace home that night — 7 months after he was removed from their custody.

Three months later, in October, the criminal charges against them were dismissed. District Judge David Gilbert ordered the case sealed during the same hearing. "It was like it happened and of a sudden, it was wiped away," Jarvis said.

Crystal was in atheism. "I never would have thought in a 1000000 years that this would exist our life," she said. "I never thought this could happen to my son. Just we're still here. People would have thought we would have given up and turned on each other and Jace would stay in foster care. But I survived that. We survived that."

The Bryants, who are blackness, believe they were victims of a racial bias that exists in the kid welfare organisation. A U.South. Department of Health and Human being Services report showed that African American children are placed in foster intendance at almost twice the rate of white children, and they stay in foster intendance longer. Ii studies in Texas found that fifty-fifty when African American families were assigned lower risk scores in child-abuse assessments, they were more likely than white families to have their children removed.

El Paso Canton child welfare officials declined to discuss the Bryants' case, citing confidentiality laws. They said information technology is extremely rare that parents are accused of abuse and then exonerated, although they could not say how often it happens because the land child welfare data system does non keep rails.

"Information technology is exceedingly, exceedingly rare," said Kristina Iodice, the department'due south public information officer. El Paso County investigated 6,633 child abuse and neglect allegations last year. Merely more than 1,753 of those were founded. On whatsoever given day in 2019, about 360 children in the canton were in foster placements.

Before a child is removed, the case is reviewed by a squad that includes supervisors and medical professionals, said April Jenkins, intake manager for the canton's Children, Youth and Families Services. A guess has to verbally approve a child's removal, no matter what time of twenty-four hours or night, and kid protection workers accept to present written evidence for the removal in court inside 72 hours.

"We are not making any decisions or assumptions or anything like that in a vacuum," Jenkins said.

On a contempo afternoon, xx-calendar month-old Jace squealed and giggled as he crawled into a play tent in the Bryants' living room, where photos of Jace as a baby, the Bryants in military uniform shortly after they met at basic training in Missouri, and the couple on their hymeneals twenty-four hour period hang on the walls. The Bryants have a new appreciation for days when the three of them are at dwelling house together, like when Jarvis made gumbo and they watched Louisiana State University win the national college football championship confronting Clemson.

Jace is eating past mouth now, after Jarvis and Crystal slowly introduced him to foods, starting with strawberries and other soft fruits. He is growing out of neonatal rickets and his basic are condign stronger. And his 1000-tube is scheduled to come out in April. Jace doesn't seem to remember what he went through, but his parents call up they will probably tell him, some day.

Crystal gave up on restoring her nursing certification — the main reason she wanted information technology was to accept intendance of Jace's g-tube. Jarvis is withal waiting for the Ground forces to restore his security clearance, and when it does the Bryants hope to leave Colorado for some other Army mail service. The state where their infant was built-in has too many bad memories.

When they drive to Fort Carson, they avoid the baby-sit station where they were arrested. When Jace was ill recently with a 104-degree fever, they hesitated before taking him to the infirmary. "I'm sure as soon as you pull upwards his medical records, it says possible abuse, and everybody is looking at us now," Crystal said.

Crystal Bryant plays with her son, Jace Bryant, during an interview at her dwelling house in Fountain, Colorado. (Marking Reis, Special to The Colorado Dominicus)

Wherever they alive, the Bryants said they won't get over what they experienced during the past year. They're speaking out at present to assist other families who are falsely accused.

"Information technology'southward no hard feelings for us, just information technology'due south anger," Jarvis said. "This is what we really had to live through. This is what our son had to live through. At that place should exist due diligence before someone's kid is removed from their care. That is like, absurd, that you tin can accept someone'due south child and get a judge to sign off on information technology and you didn't fifty-fifty do your due diligence."

The Bryants said some of those involved in their case, including at the kid welfare division, apologized privately for what they had been through. For Crystal, though, nothing tin can brand upwards for lost fourth dimension.

"I'm still grieving those days I didn't have my son with me," she said. "We missed then many diaper changes, so many baths. I missed so much of his life."

Crystal and Jarvis Bryant talk while their son, Jace, plays in their living room in Fountain, Colorado. (Mark Reis, Special to The Colorado Lord's day)


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