Corned Beef Grocery Store on Sale Near Me

Hi everyone,

Welcome to the third Grocery Challenge of 2022!o

If your new month starts early feel free to join this thread, or if you're still working on your February Budget then keep on posting in the February Challenge.

As always this challenge is to reduce your own grocery budget to levels that you will be pleased with, not forgetting that we always recommend that you stay inside your own comfort levels and take things gently one step at a time. Remember that this is not a's designed to take you and your grocery spending to a level you are happy with.

If you are new to the challenge I have quoted the advice from Galtizz below which will help you get started.

Please post into this thread for help and advice and support at any time. Good luck to everyone taking part!

I have said this before, but for all the newbies to the challenge;

For the first month I took a guess at the budget but I really had no idea how much I was spending.

I found the best thing is to have a guess the first month but SAVE ALL OF YOUR RECEIPTS (and yes, that does include the ones from the local shop when you run out of milk), then at the end of the month add them all up and have a look if you were on budget, if not, it doesn't matter because your budget was a guess. For the next month you can use the total of your receipts and take a bit off to get a realistic budget, just shave off as much as you think you can, it could be £1 a week or £20 a week.

If you are currently spending £200 a month don't suddenly drop it to £100 - you'll never do it but if you cut £20 a month off for a few months you'll get there eventually without feeling you're missing out on anything.

You might think you've done everything you can in the first month but someone always comes up with a new idea and, if you try it you often find you save a bit more (unless you are SarahSaver who is an expert at this and could only save more if she turned her back garden into a paddy field and lived on rice ) In the first month I thought, I'm planning meals, I couldn't possibly save any more, but then I started double cooking and freezing, and making soup instead of buying it in tins.

I've been doing this since Feb but only saved ALL of my receipts last month, it has given me a much better idea of where it is all going. Budget for next month is £80 for 2 of us, I'll start on 30/4. I could probably save more, by eating different foods but I can afford to live on £80, I have saved a lot of money since Feb. and I don't waste food or money any more. So I'm happy with my budget.
By request, here is Spiggles wonderful helpful post

For guidelines on posting in this thread please read the second post in this thread.

For the Grocery challenge Recipe Index please see posts #4 to #10 this thread (the list is growing!!!!!)

For everyone's totals, see post #3 on this thread

I hope everyone has a great month!


PS - This is a really useful gauge of where average spends lie for the UK - if you're struggling with any idea of a budget, you may find this useful, but bear in mind everyone is different and has different needs, so this isn't dictating what you should or shouldn't spend, it's just for information.  Thanks @Sallyp2 for highlighting this one!

Taken from NimleFins website. Very interesting read and suggests the UK average food shop spend per adult each week is £26.50. Well I'm spending over that and my aim for the next few months is for my weekly food spending to be average. Think our waistlines will end up more average as well lol
Average Food Costs per Week

  • Per Person: The average weekly food shop is £26.5 per person in the UK—but clearly caloric needs vary by age and gender. When you add £13.8 spent on food prepared out (e.g., restaurants and takeaways), the average weekly food bill for 1 person is £40.3.
  • Average Adult Man: The average adult male spends around £32 on groceries, £17 on food out and £49 altogether on food each week.
  • Young, active adult man: A young, active adult man around 18 years of age whose caloric needs are 50% higher than the average person would theoretically spend around £60 a week on food (£40 οn groceries and £21 out).
  • Average Adult Woman: The average adult female theoretically spends around £25 on groceries, £13 on food out and £37 altogether on food each week.
  • Young, active adult woman: A young, active adult woman around 18 years of age whose caloric needs are 13% higher than the average person would theoretically spend around £46 a week on food (£30 οn groceries and £16 out).
  • 2 Adults: The average weekly food bill for 2 adults would be around £86 in total—£57 spent on the weekly food shop and £29 spent on food out.
  • Family of 3: The average weekly food bill for a family of 3 (two adults and one younger child) is around £119—£78 spent on the weekly food shop and £41 spent on food out.
  • Family of 4: The typical family of 4 (two adults and 2 younger children) would spend around £151 each week on food—£99 on the weekly shop and £52 on restaurant and takeaway meals.
  • Family of 5: Larger families of 5 (two adults and 3 younger children) spend around £121 on the weekly shop and another £63 on food prepared out, bringing the total average food bill for a family of 5 to £183.
  • Family of 3 adults: Three adults (or two adults and one older teenager) would spend around £85 on groceries, £44 on food prepared out and £129 altogether on food each week, clearly with budget varying by the age and gender of the family members.

GC: May 22 £tbc/£250
Vegan 27-8-13


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