Export Someone Twitter Feed to Csv

Exporting Twitter followers shouldn't involve carpal tunnel from endless scrolling and copying. Need a comprehensive list of all your followers on Twitter? What about their locations, latest tweets, and influence? Whether you have 100 followers or 10 million, it is possible to download a list of your Twitter followers.

To get a Twitter follower list in Excel or CSV format, follow one of the three methods below.

Download Twitter Followers: Under 100 Followers

If you have a smaller list of followers — under 100 — then exporting them manually is possible.

To export followers without using a third party tool, you can scroll through your follower list on Twitter until you've loaded all of them. Then, you can copy and paste their handles using a Chrome extension like Scraper. Using Scraper, you can grab and export similar HTML elements on a page(like a Twitter handle)  to an Excel list. Simply install Scraper, right click on a followers' handle from the fully loaded list, and select Copy Similar. You will wind up with a list of handles with no other metrics included (blood, sweat, and tears from all the scrolling don't count).

Pros of this Twitter follower list method: It's free!

Cons: Hand cramps. Sometimes hard-to-use Chrome extension. Also, you don't get to pick the download format.

Download Twitter Followers: 100+ Followers

Follow these three steps to download a full list of your Twitter followers (or your competitors Twitter followers), with 20 metrics per follower, without developing the claw. You can export a comprehensive list with all 20 metrics for any Twitter account.

Twitter Followers List for Your Account

  1. Visit Crowdbabble's Download Followers tool (http://www.crowdbabble.com/download-all-twitter-followers/)
  2. Log in to your Twitter account (after your login, you will see the option to download the followers for any Twitter account)
  3. Choose your Twitter follower list download format (Excel or CSV)
  4. Complete your order
  5. Check your email: your list will arrive in your inbox as soon as all the data has compiled.

Pros of this Twitter follow list method: It's comprehensive and fast. Being able to rank or pinpoint your followers by influence, tweet frequency, location, and device gives your brands a huge edge over the competition. Here's a sample list generated using this method.

Cons: You do not get to rock Chandler's signature claw hand. Or Ross's.

Get started: Twitter followers download page.

Export Twitter Followers to Excel or CSV, Download Twitter Followers, Download a List of Twitter Followers, Download Twitter Follower List

Download Twitter Followers: No Account Admin

Don't have admin access and want to get a list of Twitter followers for your competitors? You can get lists of followers for any Twitter account. You don't need the login credentials.

Your brand's, @realdonaldtrump, a competitor's. Imagine what you could do with deep demographic data for each of your competitor's 10 million followers? You could run an analysis on the Excel/CSV export of the Twitter followers to get their favourite hashtags, topics they tweet about, favourite tweet times. It's almost unfair.

Pros: You get followers or following (users followed by an account) for any public Twitter account!

Cons: Again, no claw.

Get started: Twitter followers download page.

Here's the full list of metrics for each follower in Crowdbabble's follower exports:

  • Username
  • User ID
  • Full Name
  • Profile Picture
  • Influence (Verified Account Status)
  • Followers (how many followers they have)
  • Following (how many people they are following)
  • Follower: Following Ratio
    • Verified account status aside, follower:following ratio and total number of followers are good indicators of a Twitter user's real influence
  • Friends
  • Number of Lists they are on
  • Number of Retweets of Latest Post
  • Account Created Date
  • Total Tweets Posted
  • Favourites Received
  • Language
  • Profile Location
  • Timezone
  • Latest Known Location
  • Date/Time of Latest Tweet
  • Last Tweet Content
  • Last Tweet ID
  • Hashtags Used in Last Tweet
  • Symbols Used in Last Tweet
  • Users Mentioned in Last Tweet
  • Link to Last Tweet
  • Place of Last Tweet
  • Location of Last Tweet
  • Replies Received on Last Tweet
  • Retweets Received on Last Tweet
  • Favourites Received on Last Tweet

Endless possibilities.

Are you with an advertising or public relations agency? Show these 20 metrics to your clients. They will love you forever.

Exporting Twitter Follower Lists to Excel/CSV

Knowing your audience is key to any social media strategy. With 20 metrics per follower, Crowdbabble's follower lists are the most comprehensive and detailed available.

Whether you decide to create a list manually or use our tool, your follower list will help you get to know your audience and refine your strategy.

A screenshot of a sample Twitter follower list with a Twitter logo on top, Export Twitter Followers to Excel or CSV, Download Twitter Followers, Download a List of Twitter Followers, Download Twitter Follower List

Get started: Twitter followers download page.


Source: https://www.crowdbabble.com/blog/how-to-export-twitter-followers-to-an-excelcsv-list/

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